My Half term
I had a great half term, it was gone too quick! It was really fun, I enjoyed my activities with Post19 and seeing my Nan. I had to work on Wednesday all day, it was a bit mad.
On Monday I went trampolining and swimming with Post19, the best part was definitely trampolining, sometimes I go to Gravity Force.
On Tuesday I went to the market with my Nan and helped her run some errands, we picked up a prescription from the chemist. In the afternoon we just chilled out. I really like spending time with my Nan (she’s got Sky so I can watch the Kardashians!)
On Wednesday I was at work all day, from 7 til 4.30! I had to go in early to get some deliveries in. I work at Fab Cafe in Farnborough Library, it’s run by Parkside to give jobs to people with Special Needs. I really love working there. It was half term so it got really busy from about 11 - 2, I ran out of teabags and everything.
On Thursday I did bowling and Bingo with Post19. I didn’t win in bowling, but I had a lot of fun anyway. Bingo was great, I haven’t been before. It was a great laugh!
On Friday I was with Nan again, she had friends round for lunch and I joined them. I washed up for her!
I really enjoyed my week off, but I’m glad to be back at Post19 now.